Thursday, September 15, 2011

Have a Drink!...Have a Drink!...

Yesterday we got bored after lunch and decided to walk about four blocks from the apartment to the St. Louis Anheuser Busch Budwiser factory.  It turns out that they give free tours during the day complete with two free drinks at the end of the tour.  I didn't really know what to expect having never been on a beer factory tour.  It turned out to be really cool.  They had a tour guide take us through the different parts of the factory giving us some interesting facts about how beer is made and the processes by which Budweiser brews theirs.   

We got to see the famous Clydesdale horses and the dalmatians from the commercials.  Those horses are massive.

These are the huge fermentation tanks that hold all the beer in the factory.

And here is a room that kinda reminded me of the Willy Wonka factory.

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